Let the content you put out speak for you. Whether a picture or a video, AME specializes in producing high-quality content to ensure the appropriate audience understands your mission.
Media Marketing
We develop data-driven campaigns to target your consumers’ ideal touch points, developing your clients into brand ambassadors.
Branding & Web Design
Bring your thoughts to life with optimized brand narratives, captivating outlets by tapping into universal media themes.
Social Media Management
Beam your brand across digital dimensions, our international navigators will match top influencers and media personalities with your brand’s narrative to cultivate an engaged following across key platforms.
Marketing Strategy & Consultations
We’ll uncover what makes your company tick, and use our collective knowledge to position your brand in a way your target consumer can’t ignore.
Public Relations
We develop strategic PR campaigns to break through the noise in New York’s fast-paced, evolving media and influencer environment.
Social Media Management
Beam your brand across digital dimensions, our international navigators will match top influencers and media personalities with your brand’s narrative to cultivate an engaged following across key platforms.